

A staff member is available every step of the way to assist prospective residents and family members in transitioning from private home or apartment to senior living campus.
  1. We encourage you to visit other senior living campuses in your target area. We believe The Parc is an excellent value in terms of facilities and services.
  2. Complete a reservation form to reserve your apartment.
  3. The prospective resident’s physician must complete the evaluation form included in the pre-residency package. If you do not currently have a physician, The Parc will assist you in locating one.
  4. You and your family can now calculate your monthly fee:
    Apartment Rent + Level of Care (if required) + any additional services you select.
  5. Complete the residency agreement and pre-residency package.
  6. Establish a move-in date. If needed, resources are available to help with downsizing and moving.
  7. Settle into your new home. Orientation programs are available for resident and family.