

The Parc offers 5 Levels of Care to adults needing assistance in activities of daily living. Each Level of Care is in addition to the services listed on the Amenities & Services insert. To determine the appropriate Level of Care, each resident’s health status is assessed prior to move-in and reviewed throughout residency.

Daily Reminders:

  • Daily Reminders for dressing and grooming

Level 1:

  • Stand-by assistance with bathing, hygiene,
    dressing and grooming

Level 2:

  • Bathing and dressing
  • Assistance with hygiene and grooming
  • Escort to-and-from activities and meals
  • Blood pressure and wellness checks

Level 3:

  • Incontinence Care
  • All Level 2 services

Additional Services:

  • In-house Medication Administration is available for all levels of care. Medication Administration is under the supervision of an R.N. and includes ordering and administration of all prescribed drugs and accuchecks if needed.

Dementia Care:

  • Flat monthly rate includes apartment rental, all Level 3 services and Medication Administration