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Exceeding Expectations For Our Residents

  • Sensory Therapy – We offer a controlled multi-sensory environment to help sooth and stimulate residents by using lights, music, smells and tactile fabrics.
  • Low Staff Ratios – By offering a low staff to resident ratio our residents are able to receive a true individualized care plan that meets their needs.
  • 24/7 In-House Nursing Team – Francois Bend believes by having 24 hour nursing, an in-house medication program and a local in house Gerontologist, we are addressing the void that can exist between hospital-level care and Long Term Care Nursing.
  • Supportive Dining –Extra care is taken to make each meal flavorful and visually appealing. Nutritious, eye-pleasing pureed foods are prepared for those with swallowing challenges. We use bold, solid-colored dishwater. High contrast makes it easier to distinguish food items and beverages from the containers that hold them.
  • Specialized Activity Program – Francois Bend’s program includes content-driven engagement to support social interaction, cognitive and physical exercise and therapy, education, reminiscing, areas of interest, memory support and more.
  • Transportation Handicapped accessible van available to bring residents to/from medical appointments.
  • Family Support – We understand that caring for an adult or senior family member with a serious medical condition such as dementia can place a tremendous strain on family members. To help families manage, we offer a range of social and counseling services.

Schedule a Call with Our Experts

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